Summary of Austin’s Trauma Recovery &Homestead Blog Hop 441

Summary of Austin’s Recovery I have several blog followers who only come for the blog hops! That’s perfectly fine, and when I’ve had time, I’ve also visited other blogs for their blog hops! If you’re a blog hop follower, you may have missed the most terrifying/stressful/miraculous/encouraging set of circumstances that our family has recently gone…

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Therapy, Y’all! Austin’s Recovery Continues

WooHoo! Physical therapy did an evaluation with Austin today, and they helped him to walk 20 excruciating steps! He did it! I’m so proud of him! Especially considering that they have not walked any steps before now. Since were talking about rehab, they got in right quick and did the whole nine yards to have…

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🐌 Little by Little 🐌Austin’s Progress & Homestead Blog Hop 440

🐌 Little by Little 🐌 When the boys were younger, we used to listed to a song by Patch the Pirate. Little by little Inch by inch By the yard it’s hard By the Inch, what a cinch Don’t stare up the stairs Just step up the steps Little by little Inch by inch How…

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