31 Days of Gratitude Challenge
Today, my daily gratitude challenge involves a little country humor.
I’m thankful for country roads where every now and then I see random things like goats.
Yes, I said GOATS.
A bunch.
Crossing the road.
For a moment I thought I was in Switzerland.
Nope. Just here in Tennessee, where we see crazy things.
Quick little video is linked above where you can see the crazy little creatures.
Definitely not something you would find in most towns. Here, it’s almost anything goes.
Have you seen anything unusual in your neck of the woods?
Until next time, keep counting your blessings!
I liked the goats! For today, my gratitude items include a speaker at the local library who talked about sports in Western New York and described so many of the characters. The speaker was very funny and very entertaining. The audience was very entertaining, too, as most of them were dressed up in Buffalo Bills regalia. We Buffalo Bills fans are a stubborn group and we really love our team. But sometimes, to others who aren’t from this area, our Buffalo Bills fandom looks a bit silly and somewhat excessive. There’s a place for silly and somewhat excessive, I think.
Another gratitude item would be my vivid imagination that let me write my blog post for today! (here is a link! https://sunmoonstarshine.com/down-for-the-count-of-four/)
And yet another gratitude item would be for the friends who offered me transportation as I tried to walk to all of my destinations for the day, while fighting the cold weather and a rather ferocious wind!!!
I look forward to reading more of your gratitudes!!! Thanks for the post. It was quite delightful.