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75 Hard, Still Going…

Random people keep asking me about my participation in the 75 Hard Challenge.

75 Hard 14 Day Update

How’s it going, am I still doing it, and what are some of the challenges.

I made an update video that posted today over on YouTube, which you can see.

Off Grid Woman vs 75 Hard!


Short answer:

Yes, I still am doing the 75 Hard.


Today wraps up Day 14.

How’s it Going on the 75 Hard?

Mostly ok. Like all things in life worth doing, there are ups and downs.

The biggest challenges for me are the same things I knew would be rough.

  • Drinking a gallon of water–it’s tough to remember to drink it all.
  • I have not actually suffered any ill effects from drinking the water. I’m still being careful. The only symptom is the expected symptom of more potty trips.
  • I really do feel like my mind is much clearer. I did not doze off during church, and sadly, I often fight that. I have not had anxiety or depression so far, and sometimes I struggle with those kinds of issues.
  • Exercise. The second workout session is a challenge. I put it off with everything else to do, so I’m often squeezing that in too late.
  • Some days, the exercise isn’t great, and others I love it! Up and down.
  • I’m mostly still alternating between our mini and big trampolines. I walk (up and down our hill a bunch) around the property, and occasionally at the road (daylight hours). Last night I even went to the gym with Adam, and I actually loved it! I used the incline bike and the stair stepper.
  • Diet. That hasn’t been a huge deal, but the big deal is how hungry I’ve been these days! All that water washes out my food, and the exercise burns it off, I guess. So, I’m eating in the evening more than normal.
  • Still doing the plant based, and eating more fresh foods. I’m finding that I’m gobbling up all the lettuce we’ve got growing, so we may need to plant some more!
  • I have had cravings for something sweet. I’ve done pretty well. See 75 Hard Progress. First Hurdle Crossed.
  • I’ve made myself some whole food sweet treats–Vegan Salted Caramel dessert Hummus (apple dip), Salted Caramel Date Fudge, and more Simple Autumn Apple Dip. I eat those things with apples, and it’s pretty good for the cravings.

The other challenges have not been so difficult in theory, just squeezing them in is the hard part.

75 Hard 14 Day Update75 Hard Challenges

As a reminder, the six parts of the 75 Hard include:

  • Diet– pick one based on your health goals. No cheat meals and no junk.
  • No alcohol.
  • Drink 1 Gallon of water per day
  • Read 10 pages in a non-fiction book (self-help)
  • Exercise. 2 45-min workouts/day. One must be outside.
  • Take a progress pic each day.

Any misses and I’m back to Day 1.

75 Hard

Anyone can do the 75 Hard. There’s no cost, and you’re only accountable to yourself. But to complete a day, you have to do everything, and can’t cheat.

There are groups on many social media sites for people doing the challenge–past and present.

It’s a mental toughness/accountability challenge more than a fitness challenge.

Why 75 Hard?

People do the 75 Hard for different reasons with different goals. Some experience amazing transformation in body and outlook. I’m just trying o get fit and to follow through.

See my first post on the 75 Hard, which explains my reasons and goals in more detail.

The 75 Hard Challenge. My First Four Days

Because of my decision to participate in the 75 Hard, I’ve had a couple more friends/Youtube followers who have decided to do it as well.

I believe that I’m experiencing a few positive benefits from the 75 Hard in unrelated areas on my life.

I’ve tackled a few jobs I’d never have tried (like fixing my washer), addressing work areas I’d been dreading, and have taken more steps toward doing those tasks at least for a small amount of time every day.

Because I’ve been reading more Paper books…

(Books in the challenge have to be actual books, not electronic or audio).

Because I’ve been reading a book on back pain, I’ve been implementing more stretching and better posture. I am learning several practical things from that book. 8 Steps to a Pain Free Back

You Can Go Up

I picked up an old gem of a book from church, and started reading it. It’s called You Can Go Up, and I’m finding it very helpful. It includes stories and bits of history, but it’s basically encouragement to break out of the 81% of how people live, and to go beyond mediocrity. Because we have been bought with a high price, we are worth much more than just settling for a mediocre life.

This book is out of print, but may be available somewhere…I found it, after all.

In Summary

Still pressing on.

I still am battling procrastination, exercise is still sometimes hard, but I often look forward to it more than before.

It’s one day at a time. A couple days ago, I felt discouraged. Today I don’t.

Remember that little song?

Little by little

Inch by inch

By the yard it’s hard

By the inch, what a cinch!

Don’t stare up the stairs,

Just step up the steps

Little by little

Inch by inch

-Patch the Pirate-

If I can do it, You can!

Ridge Haven Homestead Blog, Character development, Homesteading Journey

What is your experience? 💜 I read every comment, and so many times I find that I gain encouragement from what’s shared. ❤️