Homestead Blog Hop 515

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Thank you so much for coming by to join the homestead blog hop! Please enjoy some pics of my recent garden grand finale! Have a great day and enjoy the last flush of Summer! Laurie Homestead Blog Hop will take place every Wednesday and is for all things homesteading:…

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Homestead Blog Hop 514

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Good morning! It’s a gorgeous almost-Fall day here in upper East Tennessee. Our garden, pitiful as it was this year, is petering out. That’s ok with me this time. I did can a few green beans. Like ten jars. While it’s so strange, I think God has had mercy…

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Our Story in Chicken Soup for the Soul & Homestead Blog Hop 513

Chicken Soup for the Soul I’m super excited! A couple of weeks ago I did a LIVE on our YouTube channel telling you about a surprise coming! See that video here Last evening, I did the unboxing of my author’s copies of the book I had the privilege to contribute to. Our story, Austin’s story,…

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Homestead Homemade Waffles

Today on our YouTube channel, I shared our family’s Sunday morning tradition of making homemade waffles with all the fixin’s! We deck them out with my Vegan Whipped Cream, fresh or frozen fruit, maple syrup, and whatever else seems to strike our fancy!   I make our homemade waffles 100% plant based/vegan, and mostly whole…

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Homestead Blog Hop 511

WHAT a lovely morning! Here in upper East Tennessee, IT FEELS LIKE FALL! Amazing! We even dipped down to 57 degrees last night! This would be perfect for camping! Not to worry! Next wee we are back to Summer temps again at 90 degrees, but this has given me the teaser I have needed. FALL…

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