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Welcome to my blog.

Some of you are familiar faces, and some are new. That’s ok.

Today is the first day of October, the most glorious of months here in North America.

Today is Day One of the Ultimate Blog Challenge, a challenge which I have sporadically participated in. Every time I join, I am glad to meet more blogging friends, and now that I have come back, I see more faces from past UBC challenges.

The UBC is a one-month challenge for bloggers. I could describe it, but I’m lazy, so here’s a link to learn more and sign up. It’s free, but it will cost you. Read the rules Here

A Call to Write

As has been true for the past six years, I blog exclusively from my iPhone. Not bragging, it’s just our off grid life at play.


In the past, I’ve set out to be awesome and creative. This month, my goal is just to write.

Autumn flowers marigolds and zinnias
Grand finale from the garden

I’ve gotten out of the habit of writing, gotten discouraged, and held it inside. This challenge will likely be a smattering of actual blog posts that pertain to our off grid life and homestead, and many will simply be a brain dump like this one with no goal but to write.

Writing Professionally

I recently got a story published. Yes, actually published in a grown-up book! That is exciting for me, and I’ll share with you details of that one of these UBC days.

I have felt the pull to write, and resisted. Writers will get that.

Lack of time, inspiration, and free mental space is what I’ll blame it on.

Our Off Grid Homestead

Sunflowers and off grid cabin in woods with thank you text

If you’re new to my blog, my goal is to post about off grid life as a homesteading woman. We’ve undertaken the challenge of taming a raw, wild, wooded and steep 26-acre spot on the map. We are in upper East Tennessee, finishing up building our cabin in the woods.

We live with our nine cats, have three mostly-grown sons, and we put them to good use when we can convince them to DIY something.

NOT Our Cat!

I’m currently sitting in our enclosed porch looking out at Romeo, who is NOT our cat, but shows up at mealtimes and when he gets that wandering urge. He is a Casanova, and one day we hope to trap him to send him in for a little nip and tuck. He’s not on board with that trick.

Today’s Blog

Today, I did the usual housekeeping tasks, tried to upload a video, but when my phone told me that it would take 40 hours to upload, I aborted mission.

Our WiFi got knocked out with the storm aftermath, and so I literally am out here alone with the cats. Cell service is a wish and a prayer.

I ended up heading into town, where the video uploaded while I drove. Much better use of my time.

YouTube Channel

Our channel is here: You’ll find me to be the crazy redhead on the ridge, and some have told me to rename my channel to match that description. Maybe someday I will.

Ridge Haven Homestead on Youtube

Hurricane Helene

We survived the storm. Not everyone did. Today, they found a body, and I don’t know whether to pray it’s the missing man who got snatched away in the raging river, or someone else. No good choice, and thankfully, I don’t have to choose.

I took my mom and aunt some water today. Helps them carry out basic needs. It wasn’t much. I’ll share about the storm tomorrow.

That’s That

Today, I am glad that I wrote something.

Thanks for following along on my ramblings.

I picked out some paint for our walls, brought it home, and immediately lost all ambition as a massive migraine descended. It’ll keep.

Old Friends

One blessing from today: an old friend called to check on us. She reminded me of how we used to get up every day for forty days to pray together early in the morning. Those days are precious to me. We saw God work. It was a call to my heart. I want to see Him work that way again. So how about I ask, and I’ll try to share the ways He blesses during this challenge.

I know this post was random. It won’t win any SEO points. But it’s what I needed, and it’s honest.

I look forward to see what unfolds in these next thirty days.

Until next time,

It’s me out here with the cats, just taking one day at a time.


Red headed woman holding daisies in front of thrift store
Me on a recent thrift haul buying fake daisies

7 Replies

  1. I’ve just gone 5 days without power due to Hurricane Helene! It came back on a little over an hour ago. I’m so sorry to hear that it may have killed someone, though. I look forward to reading more of your writing. I’m glad you’re answering the call.

  2. Welcome back to the October UBC! I was worried about you knowing you live in Tennessee, Helene was devastating to so many in areas that a hurricane shouldn’t even be! Looking forward to your blogs.

  3. Thank you for sharing! This was a great post. I would love to check out your YouTube channel! I am so sorry for all that went through such an awful storm. Praying for everyone. I am looking forward to this challenge.

  4. Glad you’re safe – and so sort to see all the district!
    My cat Percy is enjoying watching for activity (birds!) out our window in sunny Oregon!
    I look forward to note posts, and will check out your youtube channel!

What is your experience? 💜 I read every comment, and so many times I find that I gain encouragement from what’s shared. ❤️