The Journey of Ridge Haven Homestead
Please join our family as we share our journey of setting up our homestead–Ridge Haven!
We are a family of five, Mom, Dad, and our three boys! We bought 26 acres of raw, wild land, which we are working to transform into our “Home Sweet Home.”
We are building our off-grid cabin-home, and are living on our land as we build. We are moving slowly, as we try to minimize our debt load, and work towards financial freedom (no debt eventually).
We homeschool our children, and involve them in the homestead projects. Our boys have learned way more than the average teen in the area of practical skills and carpentry, by apprenticing under our friend and building genius, Troy.
We are a plant-based homestead. ? We will be setting up our garden, greenhouse, root cellar, and mini orchard as soon as we can! We have a small stand of blueberry bushes half-way up the ridge—they are our evidence of things not seen as yet! They give us hope that we will experience the joys of home-grown fruit!
I am the blogger of the family. I am Laurie, but sometimes have been called Sunshine, and other nicknames. I run the home education portion, keep up with our growing homestead, and help to grow garden goodness! My favorites are herbs and flowers!
My husband, Greg, runs his own tree service. You may see his website at https://www.littleastreeservice.com. He handles a lot, but the coolest thing currently is his ability to supply our homestead with trees for lumber. These trees that he cuts down get milled into lumber by a friend, which goes right into our cabin, grounds, and other projects. We are super excited to know that we are creating a home out of our “own” trees.
Future projects will include: setting up/refining our water cachement system, building and using a rocket mass stove in the cabin, building a carport for our current living quarters (RV), and, of course, finishing our cabin. We have a driveway full of bumps and ruts to tackle, a lot of landscaping to do, and more projects than I can mention!
But we are content. Content to move forward as slowly or quickly as the Lord leads.
We will share our joys and blunders.
We will share tips to make your own homesteading journey less painful.
We will share what’s worked/what hasn’t.
We will entice you with tried and true recipes from our homestead favorites.
We will seek to educate you on healthier living as you learn simple home remedies, using natural ingredients.
We will share tidbits from our home educating journey.
Thanks for joining us on our journey!

Three Year Update!
Hard to believe that we’ve been at this for three years, living off-grid in our camper, and just plugging away at it.
Sure, we’ve had some ups and downs, sunshine and shadows, joys and discouragements.