Homestead Blog Hop 449

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Morning, Y’all! I don’t actually use that word much, but it’s a good Southern greeting! Every day that I wake up, I’m surprised at how cool it’s been for mid-June! Low 50’s feels amazing, and the breezy days in the 70’s have been wonderful! Those temps are energizing, and…

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Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 64

Welcome to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop! It’s funny. So much happens during the week, that I find when I sit down to write something, I can’t remember any specifics. That’s kind of nuts. Actually, we’ve done a lot this past week! Gardening–planting, weeding, tilling, watering, watching, and feeding–we’ve done all of this and more!…

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Garden Season & Homestead Blog Hop 448

Garden Season I feel like I have an official red neck. After spending the past three days working on garden stuff, I guess I earned it. I finally got the gardening bug. I’ve been completely not into it this year, but with our son doing therapy in just one city now, things have slowed for…

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First Sunflowers & Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 63

First Sunflowers Out in the garden, I’ve got volunteers–some are six feet tall! I’ve been planning to get outside and plant some of the sunflower seeds I saved from last year, but so far that hasn’t happened. That’s why I’m even more delighted to find volunteers! These come from my big sunflower patch of all…

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Homestead Blog Hop 446

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Welcome to by blog too! We’ve just been keeping busy around here. Mostly working on the cabin/house. That’s good news to my ears! We’ve kind of just been working on a little of this and a little of that! Little by little gets it done! Adam and Andrew have…

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