Dedication of my Blogging Journey
Some of you may wonder about this strange headline! “Bless this blog?” But this has been on my mind ever since I decided to begin my blogging journey.
I’ve actually blogged as a sporadic hobby for seven years, but it was mostly family stuff and homeschooling articles scattered across several blogging venues.
I wanted to try out the blogging waters and see if I could eventually do my part to add to our household’s income. I know, I know, wishful thinking at this point, but that honestly is what motivated me to jump into my self-hosted blogs. I have this blog, for our homestead lifestyle journey, and my homeschool blog,
My husband warned me that I might get overwhelmed with two, and of course, he was right, but I wanted to keep them separate and have a go at it.
Because I can tend to throw myself into projects, I really am praying for God’s leading hand in my blogging. It’s so easy to get tunnel vision and have one aspect of life take over the others! I want to avoid that. I want blogging to enhance my life, not rule it. Even if my blog flops.
With this in mind, I am dedicating my blog. Whatever happens with it will be for God’s glory.
Blogger’s Prayer Guide

I printed off this Prayer Guide, colored it to personalize it, and laminated it. Now I have a very helpful visual aid to refer back to. I keep it near to where I blog, and look at it before I write.
This guide is free, and is available to print here.
I appreciate Jennifer Flanders, at Loving Life at Home, who designed this prayer guide.
Pray before blogging
This is just a good reminder, and it’s my practice. I want my words to bless, and to help.
There is SO MUCH information, so many blogs, so many words on the internet. Many are a useless waste of time, some are downright harmful. The only way what I write will help you is if I am under the Holy Spirit’s control and guidance.
Do you blog?
I encourage you, if you’re a blogger, to consider the principles shared in this prayer guide.
Do you read blogs?
If you are a reader, you also might want to take a look, to elevate the kinds of content you allow yourself to read. You only have so many minutes to spare; make sure you pack them with useful, uplifting material.
For a fail-proof list of what to keep on your reading list, please consider Philippians 4:8.
What you read about, you will think about. Make sure you fill your mind with good stuff!
What motivates you as you blog?
What do you consider before you hit publish?
I’d love to hear!
Leave me a comment! I’m still learning!
Who are we, anyway?This post will help you meet the family here at Ridge Haven Homestead. We hope you enjoy our journey!
That is an amazing offering for winning.
I love the idea of doing this! I often (though not always) ask God to send women to be encouraged by something I have written, but I should dedicate mine also. Thank you for this!
Sarah, it’s so easy to lose our focus with blogging! I know God will bless you if you give your Blog to Him! “Those who honor me, I will honor!”
God bless you in your blogging journey!
Thanks for linking up at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty 40!
The Bloggers Prayer Guide is wonderful! I wish everyone blogged that way! 🙂 In thinking about what motivates me as I blog, it really comes down to inspiring people to action. (I blog at I want to teach people things they might not have thought about before about photos, memories, stories, family, and connections, and I want to inspire them to DO something about it. 🙂
Thank you for this! I am printing off the prayer guide. I’ve been blogging for 13 years and this has always been my goal: that I will write His words for His people, and that He will bring those who need to hear what I write.
Song glad to pass along the blessing. I’ve been really blessed by praying before blogging. Sometimes I don’t remember and get all frazzled. No need for all that!
Blessings, Laurie
Thank you for a reminder. I try to stay in the habit of praying before I write but often forget. Blessings to you and your blog. Thanks for linking up with us at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty 40
Blessings to you too, Sylvia.
I forget too.
I’m thankful for the reminder that “Those who honor me, I will honor.” I pray to be one who honors my Savior.
This was a very good post, thanks for sharing it. I visited Jennifer’s page for the Guide, as well. Thanks!
Oh, good!
I’m glad you liked it, and hope it will inspire you!
Thank you for sharing your process. I love that you have a routine that outs you int he right headspace to do your best work.