It’s Time to Say Good-Bye! The Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop has been a wonderful place for me to connect with new friends. I enjoy it, but over the last years, it has been becoming more than I can keep up with. I thought I’d give it a go for a few weeks again, and I…
Read moreTrailing Arbutus, 2024
Trailing Arbutus Trailing arbutus First flower of Spring Bashfully hiding away I seek under leathery leaves in the moss Til your soft petals I spy one glad day ~ Your pink and your creamy white blossoms peek out From the ground which you hug tight and dear The perfume of stately old ladies inhale I…
Read moreHomestead Blog Hop 540
Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Good morning to all! To inspire you, I will share with you a book I am listening to right now. The 5-Second Rule, by Mel Robbins I have recently been told that I do not follow through on things. I have lots of ideas, but less output. I can…
Read moreSunday Sunshine Blog Hop 123
Welcome to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop! On a rare Sunday away from the homestead, I find myself traveling back home from a Costco run (don’t worry, I’m not driving as I write this). We got our yearly rebate coupon, so we did some pantry stocking up. We literally have toilet paper strapped to the…
Read moreMy Top 16 (Frugal) Prepper Pantry Essentials
Top 16 Prepper Pantry Essentials Have you always wanted to start a prepper pantry, to squirrel away some necessary food for a rainy day? As food prices keep rising, utilizing a pantry is a great way to ensure you will have food for an unexpected emergency. Natural disasters and emergencies are not the only reasons…
Read moreHomestead Blog Hop 539
Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Finally! Just this week, we have had a few little bright spots turn up around the homestead. Today the first little daffodils popped out, and yesterday I noticed the purple crocuses. Spring has been mighty slow to show herself this year. With these little first bursts, I have confidence…
Read moreHomestead Blog Hop 538
Thank you for coming to the Homestead Blog Hop! Here is an Irish blessing to brighten your day. It fits our current situation of sunshine after rain. Perhaps we could add calm after the storm, since we had such strong winds in our areas last evening and today. “May God give you… For every storm,…
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