Raw Honesty & 🫶🏻Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 34 🫶🏻

There’s something about raw honesty. We all want truth, don’t we? We want to know when a person is sincere, and we appreciate someone speaking from the heart. But as a writer, those moments where we can really open up and be vulnerable don’t come often. They can’t be forced. When the words build up,…

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Mom Said Hospice

Hospice I knew this day was coming. My husband and I have had some talks about my parents, and we’ve seen the toll that Lewy has taken on both them and my aunt. But up until now, they’ve been handling it. Maybe not well, but plodding along, with the home health interventions pretty heavily. We…

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Homestead Blog Hop 406

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Here is just a reminder for you today. I saw it printed on a notebook yesterday and liked it. Not everyone fits into a certain mold, and that’s ok. It’s actually preferable that way! Life would be boring if we all were the same! Have a great day! Laurie…

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Seven Hundred Assassins and Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 34

Welcome to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop! Today in church (Sabbath) we had a guest speaker.   He told some exciting stories from recent happenings around the world. One of the most amazing stories was from the Philippine jungles, where they have been having rebel warfare for many years.   In one area, there were seven…

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Joe Pye Weed and Homestead Blog Hop 405

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop!   Doesn’t it seem strange to say that Fall is on the way? But in our neck of the woods, we have Joe Pye Weed blooming! Greg says that means six more weeks til Fall! I’d never heard that one, but I’ll take it! I’d never noticed Joe Pye…

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Fresh Herb Dipping Oil

Fresh Herb Dipping Oil You’re gonna love it! Now is the time to break out your good olive oil, snip a handful of fresh herbs, and whip this up for dinner! Or breakfast. We had some today. 😃 Toasted bread and herb dipping oil! Goodness–life doesn’t get much better than that! In the Middle East,…

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