Homestead Blog Hop 390

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! All better! I’m happy to report, for all those who’ve asked about our family, that we are all finally back in the land of the healthy! 👏🏼 🤩🏃‍♀️ Everybody’s up out of bed, eating, and feeling no tummy rumbles, so that’s progress! Aaannnnd…that’s a lie! 😿 Last night, I…

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You Need to Grow a Victory Garden!

A Victory Garden for Your Homestead Do you have a garden planted yet? How about little seedlings? Food prices rising. Grocery shelf gaps. Less global fertilizer supply. War shutting down production and shipping of essential grains. An unstable economy Trucker shortages, coupled with fuel price increases Has any of this gotten your attention yet?   Whether…

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Homestead Blog Hop 389

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Well…this has been an interesting week, and we are only halfway! Interesting is probably not the best word, but I’ll go with it. Exhausting would work too. I’ve driven hours this week to pick up my severely sick teenager, and agonized over whether to have him admitted to the…

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