Homestead Blog Hop 250

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! It’s Blog Hop time again!  Yay! This week, I took a get-away with my best friend to do some writing!  Watch for a post on that when my brain clears!  We had a great time, and I believe it was beneficial to the two of us. School season is…

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Homestead Blog Hop 249

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Every week… I welcome you to the Homestead Blog Hop, and every week, I marvel about how busy we all are!  Do you feel it?  From soccer to socializing, from laundry to choosing logos, our lives are spinning so fast these days!  I never envisioned myself as a soccer…

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Homestead Blog Hop 248

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop, #248! I’m glad you’ve stopped by! Our week has been full, as always!  We’ve been working on some Homestead Cabin chores.  Our sixteen-year old son and our friend have been busy sawing, routing, and nailing, as they make barn-style doors for our cabin. …

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Homestead Blog Hop 247

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Happy Wednesday to you! And Happy Homestead Blog Hop Day! Here in East Tennessee, we’ve had it HOT for this past week or so!  Summer has come full force! At Ridge Haven Homestead, we are back into our building projects again.  Choosing metal colors for our cabin roof and…

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Homestead Blog Hop 246

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! This week… I’ve been thinking about friendliness!     A few weeks ago, we welcomed a little orange kitten into our home. You know how kittens often shake things up, and she has been no exception.  Our other felines eyed her warily, then with downright rudeness when they discovered that…

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