Homestead Blog Hop 249

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Every week… I welcome you to the Homestead Blog Hop, and every week, I marvel about how busy we all are!  Do you feel it?  From soccer to socializing, from laundry to choosing logos, our lives are spinning so fast these days!  I never envisioned myself as a soccer…

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Friday Friendship Feature #5–How To Get Published In Chicken Soup For The Soul —Beyond Your Blog

Welcome to the Friday Friendship Feature #5! How to Get Published in Chicken Soup for the Soul This week, I’m thinking about Writing For this week’s Friday Friendship Feature, I want to share a what’s been on my mind–writing! I’m sure that since many of my readers are fellow bloggers, you also think quite a lot…

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Merging Two Blogs

Two blogs merging–Lessons and Lessons with Ridge Haven Homestead Well, Fine Readers! I’ve been pondering this change for some time, and have decided to take the plunge. I am, and have pretty much accomplished merging two blogs! Why Merge Two Blogs? As I began my blogging journey in the self-hosted world, I believed that it…

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