Friday Friendship Feature #9. That’s What Friends are For

I’ll be by your side Forevermore. That’s What Friends Are For… I grew up in the Eighties! Somewhere, ingrained in my memory, are the lyrics and music to that classic song, which gives us such a positive lesson about friendship. That’s what friends are for! Well, I’ve seen this attitude displayed many times recently, among…

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Homestead Blog Hop 254

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Happy Week! This post contains affiliate links Can you feel the hints of Autumn in the air?  I will admit that most days, it feels like Summer is still going strong, but lately, I have sensed that we are inching our way towards FALL—my favorite time of the year!…

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Friday Friendship Feature #7–Educational Philosophy

Welcome to the Friday Friendship Feature #7! Finding Your Educational Philosophy Today’s Topic? Educational Philosophy–What is Yours? I normally feature a blog post that I’ve run across during the past week, and that needs to be shared! Somehow, my thoughts have been in a jumble this week, and I have not had the mental time…

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Homestead Building Update—Camper Canopy & Barn Doors

Homestead Building Update and Inchworm Progress What’s Going On at Ridge Haven Homestead? It’s time for an update on our homestead building project. There has been no update of late, because you can’t report much when not much is happening. But, we’ve worked on some of our homestead projects, and I’m happy to report that…

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Homeschool Seasons, and Courage for the Worn-out Mom

Homeschool Seasons and Why you sometimes have to “Fake it til you make it!” The Lord is my Shepherd: I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake….

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