Seasons of Life & Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 37

To Every Thing There is a Season… That’s Biblical. In the natural world, I joyfully anticipate certain seasons, while I dread others. I look forward to Spring blooms and Autumn splendor. I appreciate both the warming sun of Spring and the cooling breezes of Fall. I mostly endure the barren Winter, but even in that,…

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Let’s Get Cozy 🔥 & Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 36

Two of my favorite things are cute kittens, and sitting in front of a cozy fire. So here you go: Little Britches (Mom’s cat) just hanging around in a little trash can. What a crazy kitty! And here’s what I’d love to spend a long cozy evening doing sometime soon. ❤️ 🔥 🧦 Honestly, life…

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Personal Visits & Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 34

Personal Visits Today (Sabbath/Saturday) as I reflect on our day, I am thankful. I am content. And I didn’t even take my usual closely guarded nature time. I’m just gonna be honest and tell you that today started out with me feeling so completely overwhelmed. I’ll blame perimenopause for hormonal imbalances to even out, but…

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🍁 Hanging On to Fall! 🍁 Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 32

It’s still Fall, and I’m still Loving It!! For those in the South–aren’t you loving it that Fall has returned to temperate days and chilly nights again? It’s just lovely, so let’s enjoy it while it lasts! This week we harvested even more tomatoes and some tomatillos from the garden. Not a lot, but enough…

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