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Choosing A Theme Song for Ridge Haven

choosing a theme song

As part of the Ultimate Blog Challenge, Day 24 (now Day 25!) we were challenged to choose a theme song for our blog or website/business.  I let that idea come and go, and briefly thought, ¨Meh…I don´t think so.”

I have not joined the One Word for the Year challenge either.  I just don´t think I can distill my life or goals down to one single word.  But I admire those who can.  Me–I have trouble choosing an ice cream flavor, it´s hard to stick to just one!

But as the day has progressed, some thoughts have come to mind.  As we have engaged in normal, everyday activities, a song did come to my mind.  For the time we are in with our family, life, and where the world is today, this song speaks a lot of truth for us.  I believe you will be blessed, even if your lifestyle is different from ours.

If you wonder more about the blog´s focus, please read my About Ridge Haven Homestead page.

Gather Up the Fragments–the new Theme Song for Ridge Haven Homestead

Ridge Haven Homestead Blog, Blogging, Family, Homesteading Journey , ,

12 Replies

  1. Laurie, that’s beautiful! His voice, the lyrics and the guitar. Thank you for sharing! I can see subtitles in German, is this because I’m viewing it from Switzerland?

  2. What a soothing song! I saw the captions in German and I was confused until I read your reply to the above comment. I don’t know if I could find just one song as a theme song. It is going to take me a while! Have a lovely day!

    1. Lol!
      You’re funny.
      My boys can barely be dragged to choir practice—and that’s only if they have friends singing. They’re a lil like their dad in that way, but I know they CAN sing! It’s a teenager thing currently!

What is your experience? 💜 I read every comment, and so many times I find that I gain encouragement from what’s shared. ❤️