Friday Friendship Feature—A time to share an Inspiring Read
Sometimes I get to blog hop. I enjoy meeting new bloggers!
This week I stumbled across a wonderful post by Shannon, at From the Hearth.
The reason I enjoyed this read so much was because I see the truth of her words in our own family. I can say that our boys have been blessed with amazing grandparents. Our boys consider them to be among their very best friends. And that makes me very happy.

I really think you will enjoy this article, some of which I have included here. You’ll have to catch the rest over at From the Hearth, and while you’re there, you can see what else they’re up to!
Friday Friendship Feature #2
5 Things I’ve Learned While Watching My Parents Interact with My Kids.
We recently had the pleasure of having my parents visit for a little over a week. My kids adore their Grandma and Mebop (their name for grandpa), so it’s always special when we can all be together.
As I watched my parents interact with my kids during this last visit, I realized that there are a number of life lessons that I can learn from their interactions. Here are 5 of these lessons.
It’s often the little things in life that bring the most joy. When my parents come to visit, they always bring gifts for my kids. They may bring books, clothes, toys, snacks, etc. Some of these items are super cheap (both in quality and in monetary worth), while others are more expensive. My kids have no concept of what various items are worth to other people, they just know what the items are worth to them. They almost always gravitate towards the simple, little things.
Large, expensive things aren’t necessarily more valuable; we often find the most joy in the little things.
Time is the best gift. Though my kids enjoy these gifts that their grandparents give them, if they had to choose between the gifts or time with their grandparents (reading books together, having grandma paint their toenails, building something together out of blocks, etc.), they’d choose the time over the gifts any day.
The post continues here…
What did you think of while reading about grandparents and grandkids interacting?
I know that for me, just about every point applied! I also think that it comes down to time and a desire to know our kids--something that the older generation has learned better than we have.
How about Us, Parents?
The question, then, is, What are we as parents going to do about it?
Kids will probably always love their grandparents for making them a priority, doing the little things with them, and making them feel special.But we as parents have a limited amount of time before our kids walk out the door. We can make time, choose to prioritize, or not.
(See also Time, Space, Time Together )
I believe here, as in cooking, the phrase applies:
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
We just became grandparents recently so I enjoyed the read! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger’s Pit Stop!
Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 1! Pinned ♥
Thanks for featuring my post! I love how you turned it around to ask an important question of ourselves.
It was such a great inspiration!