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🌻✨Sunflower Patch Update ✨🌻

💥 Happy Fourth of July! 🇺🇸

A couple months back, I wrote about

🌻 Planting My Sunflower Patch! 🌻

I had lofty goals for this little patch–towering gray mammoth sunflowers would dwarf me, and although my patch was small, I’d enjoy waves of gold and yellow, autumn shades and fluffy bursts of cheer!

Let’s head outside and take a peek into my sunflower patch and see how it’s growing so far, after two and a half months.

I am indeed getting blooms. A few here and there. So far, I’m mostly seeing Autumn Beauty shades. Sunflower

Autumn Beauty
Autumn Beauty

I took a stroll last evening at midnight, with insomnia and my cats as my companions. I snapped this photo of the lemon queen trying to open. The next photo is the same flower at 7:30 am. Things happen in the night!


(And in all of these photos, I definitely LOOK like I got not much sleep!)

Sunflower unfurling
Lemon Queen (I think) unfurling at midnight.


Lemon queen sunflower
Same sunflower at 7:30 am


The one disappointment overall in my sunflower patch comes from our soil. Pitiful soil leads to disappointment. All of my sunflowers are midgets!

I’m giving you the truthful pictures. I am the jolly red giant in this short patch of sunflowers! My Russian gray giants–some aren’t even two feet tall! Sunflower patch

It may be pitiful, but it’s mine!

I’ve got a few tallish sunflowers in the front where the water reaches better. This sunflower patch would make a great science demonstration on something–the effects of little water and poor nutrition probably. Sunflower patch

Look how I tower over these babies!

The sunflowers planted elsewhere have mixed results. Along the driveway they’re struggling. Partially they got stunted when Greg ran over them with his truck. But mostly the water situation makes them pretty short. Sunflower patch

Crazy how spindly these are! Pitiful! I need more!


I have a few planted in a little cluster that are doing pretty well. Autumn beauty sunflowers

My three original Autumn Beauty sunflowers. Not in my patch!!
Autumn beauty sunflower
He doesn’t worry about if he’s small—he just glows anyway!

I planted so many colors that I’d like to see some of each. I made some good attempts to water them well today, and gave them some fertilizer. Hopefully that will perk them up.

Ironically, I have a couple of volunteers that actually are towering above me! Tall sunflower

A volunteer! Let’s wait to see what color it blooms! I guess yellow!
Tall sunflower
Another volunteer! It’s all about the soil!

So maybe it’s not the garden I envisioned, but it’s what I ended up with, and I’m determined to help these sunflowers bloom as well as they possibly can! Sunflower

Beautiful coming and going!
Lemon queen sunflower
Coming soon…Lemon Queen
Onion blossoms and sunflowers
The onions are taller than the sunflowers!

Check back again–let’s hope for improvement!



Ridge Haven Homestead Blog

5 Replies

  1. I love a good sunflower patch. I remember from my very early childhood that I was fascinated with the ones our neighbor had along their white picket fence (at least it’s a white picket fence in my memory!) Every time I would go to play with the girl that lived there, I’d be amazed at their height.

    1. I used to be scared of sunflowers. If you see the post I linked in this one you can see a little bit why, but most fears are kind of hard to understand.

      I do love sunflowers now!

What is your experience? 💜 I read every comment, and so many times I find that I gain encouragement from what’s shared. ❤️