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Happy October to You!

I will happily say that October is my favorite month–especially living as we do in upper East Tennessee. I love the transition to full out Autumn, and just about everything about the Fall season.Ridge Haven Homestead

Greg and I

I don’t know about you, but Fall just energizes me, even when I’m pooped. The crisp air, the swirling leaves, changing colors, and the last hurrah from the flowers!Field of zinnias

Gorgeous fields

I love Spring, I enjoy Summer, but Fall—it’s just the best!

Some of my favorite Fall highlights, which I look forward to, and relish when they arrive, are:

  • Campfires
  • Trees changing
  • Bright blue skies
  • Cool evenings
  • Chilly mornings
  • Flannel sheets
  • Apple picking
  • Applesauce making
  • Pumpkin patch
  • Sunflower fields
  • Hay bales
  • Seed saving
  • Putting the garden to bed
  • Dark evenings
  • Bright stars
  • Sunny days
  • Camping trips
  • Country roads
  • Hot cider
  • Golden fields of goldenrod
  • Weird flower heads bursting with seeds
  • Mushrooms
  • Lower humidity
  • Colorful mums
  • Canning
  • Harvesting the garden

There are more, but I’m just so thankful for all of the daily blessings God has given us.

Let’s all focus on remembering every good thing, so the negative things don’t take root in our hearts!

I hope you enjoy every minute of this wonderful season!

Drink in God’s handiwork every day!


Have a wonderful October!

Laurie and Crew

Ridge Haven Homestead Blog, Family, Homesteading Journey , , , ,

6 Replies

  1. What a great list of things to look forward to this fall! I especially love the changing leaves and spending time around the campfire. i love to go out in the crisp, early-morning air and go out for a hike. There is just something so special about this time of year! Thanks for sharing your list with us!

  2. Wow – I live in Nashville, so we are practically neighbors! So exciting to learn about what’s happening here In Tennessee. Just moved here from Dallas four months ago.

  3. I 10000% agree with you. I live in Canada, and our autumns can be wonderful and long, or tragically short. This year… it is GORGEOUS and I am holding on ti it for everything I’ve got!

What is your experience? 💜 I read every comment, and so many times I find that I gain encouragement from what’s shared. ❤️