Have you tried Hobo Pies?
Today I’m giving you a blast from the past!
Let’s take a trip down memory lane and talk about Hobo Pies!
When I was young–like 12-16, my brothers and I joined the Pathfinders! We made some seriously wonderful memories in that club (kind of like scout clubs, for boys and girls from our church)!!!!!
One great memory from every campout were the Hobo Pies!!!!
On Saturday night, we would make these hobo pies, and although none of the kids knew about them at first, before long, every kid begged for Hobo pie night! And we even convinced our parents to buy our own hobo pie makers so that they could try this wonderful camp fire treat!
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What are Hobo Pies?
A hobo pie is a small package of deliciousness.
Wrapped in bread, baked in the fire, a hobo pie is whatever you make it!
Hobo pies are ? percent customizable!
- If you don’t like hobo pies, it’s basically your own fault! Either you
- Don’t like bread
- Didn’t like what you put inside–but no mater! You can always try again!
But that doesn’t answer your question, does it?
It’s easier to show you rather than tell you!
To make hobo pies, you need
- Hobo pie irons--you need the cast iron ones for the best health and durability. You can buy aluminum irons, but I would not recommend cooking with these!
- Bread
- Butter or coconut oil/nonstick spray
- Fillings (more about that below)
- A fire ?
- Your culinary imagination. ?
Fillings for Hobo Pies
- Chili and cheese (we use vegan shreds)
Sliced veggie dogs, beans & kraut
Sandwich meat (veggie meat) with cheese
Pizza filing–pizza sauce, cheese, sliced mushrooms and olives
PB & Jelly–campfire style with a marshmallow!
Canned pie filling
–add a vegan marshmallow for more sweetness!
S’Mores filling–candy bar, marshmallow and graham cracker–instead of roasting the marshmallow first, just close everything inside of your hobo pie iron. A graham cracker square will exactly fit the hobo pie iron. Then you’ll have a completely roasted S’more!
My favorites were always the chili and cheese for the savory and the blueberry pie filling for the sweet. ?
Directions for making Hobo Pies:
- Heat your hobo pie irons in the fire. Season with oil if they’re new
- Place Hobo Pie irons open on a heat-proof surface (we have a rock table that works well)
- Oil your irons–inside both pieces
- Place a piece of bread on each side. Some people butter the bread and place it butter side down in the irons.
- Fill the bread on one side with toppings of your choice. A few tablespoons is enough, and leave a small border with no filling.
- Sprinkle your cheese on top if using.
- Close the hobo pie by placing other slice of bread on top, butter side up, then close the iron with the other side.
- Clamp the iron shut
- Place in the coals
- Keep a close watch! Hobo pies cook (and burn) quickly! Flip every minute, and check for your hobo pie to turn golden and steam a bit.
- Eat your creation! Be careful! The filling gets very hot!
Campfire Cooking
Our family enjoys cooking many foods in the campfire. Hobo pies are just one of those foods!
Here’s our campfire eating area! We have two very nice big rock tables and Greg and Adam have worked hard to stack and split all this firewood!
If you get an inexpensive grill for your campfire, you can fry eggs, make toast, scrambled tofu (Recipe here), and lots of other things!
Don’t forget what you can make in the Dutch oven! I have a whole different post dedicated to that fun process! Dutch Oven Cooking in the Campfire
We have several decent cast iron skillets, which work great on the campfire grill. Of course the Dutch Oven (so far we have two–a large 6 quart and a smaller one), and now we use our hobo pie makers! You can’t go wrong with cast iron on your homestead!
We use this simple campfire grill. It wasn’t that much, but we’ve gotten a lot of good use out of it in the five or so years that we’ve owned it. O can’t remember now if we got it from Walmart or Amazon.com. I’ve seen it at both places. Ours is just 24″, but they make bigger ones. So far, though, ours has worked for our family! ?
Next time I get around to it, I’m going to share another favorite campfire food that we make! Somehow, food just tastes better when you cook it over the campfire!
Happy Hobo Pie making!
I can’t believe I’ve never seen Hobo Pie Irons before. New item on my Mother’s Day Wish List. Thanks for sharing at The Homestead Blog Hop!
We really have some great memories from eating around the campfire!!
I’ve never heard of (or made) a hobo pie but they sound delicious! Pinned.
Sounds interesting, I like the irons too. Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 66. Pinned!
Thanks! We have fun with these!