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Taking a day or Two Off from the Ultimate Blog Challenge.

I signed up to participate in the UBC this month again. I really like the impetus it gives me to blog daily. I meet great bloggers and exchange ideas.

But it’s a challenge to myself, to push through and do better.

Some days, let’s just be honest. It ain’t happening. And so I just let it go.

Last weekend our oldest son was sick. End of week it hit Andrew, and now me. It’s not a death’s door kind of sick, but any time you run a fever, your brain is just tired and needs rest.

So rest it shall have, and I will sit and enjoy the cats, the naps, the turkeys, and my flowers. I’ll scratch my chiggers and drink lots of water. I’ll embrace this Sabbath rest.

And I’ll see you next time.

😊 Cat lying on ground at sunset


Evening sun sunflowers

White PowWow Echinacea coneflower

I find that sitting outside near the gardens and forest, just listening to the insects and birds, really relaxes me. It’s different during the week, because there’s always a push to get stuff done. On Sabbath, it’s not that way at all. And I’m grateful for this physical and mental rest.

Have a great weekend! Evening sun sunflower


Ridge Haven Homestead Blog, Book of Nature, Homesteading Journey ,

11 Replies

  1. What a beautiful garden! I’m sure that it attracts a lot of pollinators. I hope that you’ve had a good, relaxing rest! Be happy! See you later!

  2. I hope you all will be feeling better real soon! You photos are gorgeous and Lia loves your sunflowers!

What is your experience? 💜 I read every comment, and so many times I find that I gain encouragement from what’s shared. ❤️