With cool Spring temperatures, we still ventured out for a church picnic. Fellowship was good, and we saw plenty of wildflowers
Read moreTrailing Arbutus, 2024
Trailing Arbutus Trailing arbutus First flower of Spring Bashfully hiding away I seek under leathery leaves in the moss Til your soft petals I spy one glad day ~ Your pink and your creamy white blossoms peek out From the ground which you hug tight and dear The perfume of stately old ladies inhale I…
Read moreAustin’s 1 Year Trauma Anniversary
Austin’s Trauma Anniversary Today: Sunlight streamed into our bedroom. Birds chirped brightly outside, and Buddy the cat pushed his way close between my husband and me. Morning snuggles kept me in that zone between blessed slumber and harsh awakening. Suddenly the bright light rudely invaded my sleepy eyes, and I flung the blankets over my…
Read moreSmall Beginnings & Homestead Blog Hop 491
For who has despised the day of small things? For these seven rejoice to see The plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel. They are the eyes of the Lord, Which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth.” ~Zechariah 4:10 Small things, new beginnings, little steps forward–what do they have in common? They are hard…
Read moreFit After 50. Five Simple Tools to Make it Happen
Fit After 50 Studies will discourage you sometimes, reporting that after 50, fitness is only about maintaining what you achieved up to this point. But I have seen enough evidence to illustrate that anyone who desires to achieve health can attain it, no matter the age. Is there truth to the studies? Of course? Is…
Read moreBeauty from Ashes. Ultimate Blog Challenge, Day 1
Beauty from Ashes That’s the story we crave, isn’t it? Something lovely from the ruins of whatever knocked us down. I am a believer that God can bring beauty from ashes. So today, I decided to pray for that. I have not had the heart for blogging or blogging lately. I can’t describe why, I…
Read moreSunday Sunshine Blog Hop 107
Today, as the world celebrates the resurrection, we take comfort knowing that Jesus’ death means redemption for us. We have hope because He paid our price. That’s worth remembering! May you be blessed as you contemplate the sacrifice made for you. Laurie Welcome to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop! The Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop This…
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