TBH on the Homestead 1—Since the last UBC

TBH. To Be Honest We’ve occasionally listened to some podcasts entitled TBH History. We enjoy the lighthearted approach to historical events, but they are solid. Not long ago, I desired to take the TBH approach as well on my blog. TBH includes truth, and maybe it’s not all Pinterest-worthy, but I’d rather just be real….

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🍂 Gratitude is an Attitude & Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 🍃

Gratitude   The Lord has been impressing me more lately that no matter what my circumstances, there is always something that I can see that is good. Always something to be thankful for. That’s how choosing gratitude can change us from the inside out. Life has honestly kept me bogged down a lot. And I’ve…

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The Bountiful Harvest & Homestead Blog Hop 412

A Bountiful Harvest and the Garden’s Last Hurrah! Every time I hike up the hill to check out the garden goodies, I find more to pick! Green beans and purple pole beans have not disappointed me. They just keep on producing! I think we are at the end, and today’s picking was half as much…

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🏕️ Happy Campers & Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop ⛺️

Greetings from Cumberland Falls Resort Park and our campsite! We are on a little weekend getaway, and the weather has been spectacular! Camping with our church youth group has rewards and challenges. But it’s been nice to come away and especially to spend some time in nature. I hope everyone is having a nice weekend….

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Homestead Blog Hop 411

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Harvest Time In our garden, and yours as well, I presume, we are in the midst of the harvest season. Don’t you enjoy seeing the fruits of your hand? All that work eventually does bring something wonderful We’ve been working on potatoes, snap beans, tomatoes, and herbs. And don’t…

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🥔 Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop! 🥔

Welcome to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop! Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 I hope you…

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