Homestead Blog Hop 250

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! It’s Blog Hop time again!  Yay! This week, I took a get-away with my best friend to do some writing!  Watch for a post on that when my brain clears!  We had a great time, and I believe it was beneficial to the two of us. School season is…

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Friday Friendship Feature #7–Educational Philosophy

Welcome to the Friday Friendship Feature #7! Finding Your Educational Philosophy Today’s Topic? Educational Philosophy–What is Yours? I normally feature a blog post that I’ve run across during the past week, and that needs to be shared! Somehow, my thoughts have been in a jumble this week, and I have not had the mental time…

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Homestead Blog Hop 249

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Every week… I welcome you to the Homestead Blog Hop, and every week, I marvel about how busy we all are!  Do you feel it?  From soccer to socializing, from laundry to choosing logos, our lives are spinning so fast these days!  I never envisioned myself as a soccer…

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Homestead Building Update—Camper Canopy & Barn Doors

Homestead Building Update and Inchworm Progress What’s Going On at Ridge Haven Homestead? It’s time for an update on our homestead building project. There has been no update of late, because you can’t report much when not much is happening. But, we’ve worked on some of our homestead projects, and I’m happy to report that…

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Friday Friendship Feature #6–School Readiness

Welcome to the Friday Friendship Feature, #6–School Readiness School Readiness Impacts Kids and Families The topic of School Readiness is an important topic for all families. School Readiness impacts homeschooling families as well as traditional schooling families. I have felt passionate about this topic ever since I began researching the topic before our boys started…

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Homestead Blog Hop 248

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop, #248! I’m glad you’ve stopped by! Our week has been full, as always!  We’ve been working on some Homestead Cabin chores.  Our sixteen-year old son and our friend have been busy sawing, routing, and nailing, as they make barn-style doors for our cabin. …

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