People Who Show Up
I’m continuing my thankful journey. I read yesterday that if we recount three things we are thankful for for three weeks, we will rewire our brains to be more positive. That’s positive there, right?
So, no matter what is around us, that’s still a challenge we can all embrace.
Remember Corrie Ten Boom in the darkest prison/concentration camp? She chose to be thankful for the ant who came to “visit” her. At one point she and her sister even chose to be thankful for the lice that infested their barracks and their bodies, because they kept the guards away.
You can read Corrie’s story, or listen, in her book, The Hiding Place.
That said, I know I can do better.
Today, I am thankful for:
- People Who Show Up
- Dad had a good day unexpectedly
- A box of sweaters
People Who Show Up

I’ve appreciated the church friends from Mom and Dad’s church. This is real Christianity, because it involves sacrifice of personal time and sometimes resources.
- A bunch showed up last week to sing for Dad. It was beautiful. Dad did not even understand what was happening for most of the time, then at the end he began to sing along. I believe I could hear the angels singing too.
- Bringing Food: at least four different church families in the past couple of weeks have dropped in with a gift of food. This has been a big mental relief for Mom. She’s been having a time just mustering up the mental energy to figure out something to cook. This is not like her, but grief changes us. A lasagna, a cake, mashed potatoes, homemade bread. It’s humbling and touching to find someone smiling at your door with the gift of food. Small things really do matter.
Dad’s Good Day
Yesterday, after an extremely bad day Sunday, I braced myself before entering to see Dad. But Monday he had much more lucidity about him for awhile. He told me I had good hair that day, 😆. He took Mom’s hands and told her he needed her. They shared personal moments, and I was so blessed to witness their love for each other.
Yet, he asked Mom how he got there? Why was he sick? What was happening to him?
It’s sunshine and shadows, Friends. Blessings amidst the heart wrenching pain of this terrible disease that’s robbed us of who we love.
I am extremely blessed to have parents who love each other in their golden years.
Jimmy called and they talked a bit. Dad was confused some, and that disturbed my brother, but I told him that this is the most lucid day for weeks, so be thankful.
A Box of Sweaters
This is so random, and more silly than anything, but I am glad that Aunt Peggy unearthed my sweaters that have been stored for four to five years. It was like a gift and a reunion, because most of the sweaters are still those I’d wear. My style doesn’t change much, and my size hasn’t too much either, with the exception of some rearrangements here and there.
So…I got free sweaters just in my own style.
Look for the rays of sunlight. Gather them up for the days when the clouds hide the brightness.
God bless you today,