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Purple Autumn Autumn Glory all dressed in Purple Hues!

I took a stroll down our country road.
I found purple autumn all around!

Autumn is my best time of year, and all the shades purple are my favorites! So purple Autumn wildflowers really speak to my heart.

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We normally think of autumn in shades of red, orange, and yellow, but what I see along our lane is glorious purple! And I love it!

Join me in looking at the wanderers from Eden that God scattered along the ordinary pathway of life.

Read more about seeing God through our wildflowers here, in Lady’s Slipper Lane,

If you need more reasons to get out in Nature, here are Five Great Benefits of Nature Time


Oh, you’ll find more color splashed in as well! God is the Master Artist, and He paints with all colors!

So, before the grand display of trees all aglow arrives, enjoy the little bursts of color at your feet and fingertips!

Purple Autumn…

Purple morning glory in autumn


Purple Autumn wildflowerJewel weedPurple Autumn wildflower

Jewel weed

Purple Autumn mushroomPurple Autumn mushroom Purple morning glory Butterfly bush and swallowtailPurple Autumn wildflower

Purple Autumn wildflower

I added a few favorites from other walks I’ve taken!

May God richly bless you today, and may you stop long enough to notice His quiet gifts to you!

IF and when I get time, which hasn’t been in short supply here recently, I’d like to identify those wildflowers that I found.  My favorite book for our area is Wildflowers of Tennessee, by Jack Carmen.  I have met the author, and every Year at Wilderness Wildlife Week I speak to him, and he re-ignites my desire to know more native plant species.  His book is very thorough  you can get it on amazon using this link https://amzn.to/2mPWrS4

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