It’s Friday morning.
I woke up today, awash with emotion. Completely overwhelmed over the fact that I can still (gently) hold my dear son.
The more I process this, the more I realize just how much Austin was spared.
Eyewitnesses told our boys that when they came on the scene, they thought he was gone. So much blood loss, so much trauma. Impossible to survive under that weight, and yet, do we not serve a God of the impossibilities?
I am so, so humbled.
Forgive my scattered thoughts, but God is just so good to us.
He saved our son. He SAVED his life! Plucked him from beneath where he was pinned, and saved him. I don’t even know how he didn’t sustain worse injury. No idea. Yes, he’s broken. But he’s healing already. No head injuries. His heart is fine. His internal organs didn’t get crushed. Just how?
This song keeps playing in my head. It’s not even my type of music, or a song that’s on my top ten list. But today? It’s Austin’s song.
Austin is too drowsy and mentally shattered to comprehend yet. But I believe someday he will. God saved him because He cares so much for him. And I am going to just say selfishly that He cares that much for me too–He saved our son for us. To give us a picture of His Father’s heart for His children.
Here are the words
Reckless Love
Cory Asbury
Before I spoke a word, You were singing over me
You have been so, so good to meBefore I took a breath, You breathed Your life in me
You have been so, so kind to meOh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God
Oh, it chases me down, fights ’til I’m found, leaves the ninety-nine
I couldn’t earn it, and I don’t deserve it, still, You give Yourself away
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God, yeahWhen I was Your foe, still Your love fought for me
You have been so, so good to me
When I felt no worth, You paid it all for meYou have been so, so kind to me
And oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God
Oh, it chases me down, fights ’til I’m found, leaves the ninety-nine
I couldn’t earn it, and I don’t deserve it, still, You give Yourself away
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God, yeahThere’s no shadow You won’t light up
Mountain You won’t climb up
Coming after me
There’s no wall You won’t kick down
Lie You won’t tear down
Coming after me
I cannot remember a time when I’ve ever felt so in awe of our God’s protection. When Austin was nine, he had a terrible accident and we saw God’s mercy unfold over Austin then. That became a story to tell, but a blip in the road for our son in the scheme of life. He wrote that story recently and I reprinted it here a little while back. You would be blessed to hear his own words. The Day I Lost My Finger
The overwhelming, undeserving reckless love of God.
Austin is on a journey. God saw fit to rescue him again. God is not done with our boy. He goes after him, and gives him so much evidence of His care.
I am just so grateful.
When our family has eyewitnesses telling them they thought Austin was already dead, and multiple times through that terrible afternoon, I just felt shaken afresh. But not in a bad way this time. In a humbled way, that brings me to just say, “You’ve got this, God.” What more can I say?
I know you’re here for the update.
I started typing it out yesterday, and we had many blessed interruptions.
I’m going to do all future updates here. I will link these posts to Facebook and my group chat, but when I type on my blog, it feels like I can write. When it’s in a text, it feels more, well, like a text, and I express myself differently.
The beginning here is what I actually started to compose as a text.
Thursday–the rest of the day
Thursday evening.
Austin’s had a taxing day.
He spent most of it sleeping and resting.
He has no desire for food.
We tried some smoothie drink but he took a small amount and became very nauseated and had to be medicated.
Austin had several visitors. One of his academy friends stayed and visited for awhile, which Austin enjoyed. He wasn’t able to interact as much as he would have liked, as he tires so easily, but he appreciated his friend coming. It literally lit up his day and he visibly perked up.
I was doing some needed errands while his friend Austin visited with Austin (not a typo), and when I came back, I was delighted to find out that they’d removed his second chest tube. Praise be to God!
Also–Austin was completely worn out. He could not keep his eyes open, or even communicate with me, even though I knew he wasn’t asleep. He was just sapped.
Seeing how tired he was, and knowing that his brothers and another good friend were actually just arriving from out of town, I asked him if he was up to a visit with them. He actually slightly shook his head in the negative, but looked tormented about it. I asked him if they could just come to say hi and not stay, and he nodded. I knew his brothers did need to see him.
Somehow, with the sight of Andrew and Adam, Austin perked up enough to instruct Andrew on updating some of his social media accounts. Austin hasn’t had the energy, but he wanted to connect with his friends.
His friends and their mom also snuck in right before visiting hours closed to say hi and pray with Austin. Our boys and Malachi booked it down to the parking garage and back up to Austin’s room to bring him some requested Dasani water (the hospital tap water just isn’t cutting it). I was reminded of David’s mighty men risking everything to get him a drink from the well at Bethlehem (see–I was listening at Sabbath at church), although these boys just had to risk the medical staff to sneak in the water after visiting hours. 😉
How about this shot of our cowboy? ❤️ 🤠 ❤️🩹

Austin has some stuff going on still. I think I mentioned the nerve damage and pain in his right arm. He’s got some bladder issues that they’re working on. But the muscle spasms are under control after they found an electrolyte imbalance and are treating him to correct that.
He’s drowsy because of the meds, but I suspect he’s drowsy from the collective process of what he’s been through. He is emotionally drained, and I’d urge you to pray for his emotional health long term. This was a traumatic experience for him. His body is just exhausted. That he even can go along with them moving him, trying to cough dutifully against extreme pain, and just keep trying is amazing to me.
He speaks well of his medical team. He knows they have his back. I have been impressed with the nurses and aides–they get the job done, but so it with compassion and gentleness. They are knowledgeable and most don’t mind my prodding mom questions.
God is so, so kind to us.
Keep praying. As each day unfolds, the landscape changes. I expect they’ll want to move Austin out of the Trauma-Surgical ICU soon to make room for someone else. I hate that, because I like the low nurse-to-pt ratio, but it’ll be ok.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Each comment on Facebook, texts, Instagram, and here, wherever…I can’t respond, but I read each one and my heart is lifted.
Thank you, Readers,
Thank You, God!
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I have found myself reliving Sedona’s accident this week. It is hard to explain to others the overwhelming realization that God does care for us after experiencing an amazing miracle, but it is so beautiful, isn’t it?
To this day, she still talks about it with a sense of awe and wonder at why she survived. Austin will to.
It is enough to say “It is well with my soul”, no matter the circumstances.
Give that young man of yours a gentle hug for me and let him know we’re praying!
The prayer chain grows daily here in South Carolina and Georgia for Austin, you and Greg, Adam, Andrew and all the health care workers who are involved in Austin’s journey. People who you probably don’t know are praying diligently for recovery and restoration for all of you, but especially for Austin. God will not let you down …
We love you 💕
Grandpa Dan and Janet
We are lifting Austin and your whole family in prayers!!! My heart as a mother is touched so much with all of this for you!! Praising God for his mercy and grace!!! Tina Arnall and family.
Praying for all of you! While I do not know your family or Austin personally, I am also a mother to an Austin—(who has spent much time in hospitals), so that’s enough.
Remember your speeding to the restore so we could get that water heater for 25.00 bucks before they closed….. speedy ha ha
laurie we are praying and praising God for Austin and all of you.
I have been praying for Austin and your whole family. My favorite Bible verse is the first 6 words of Psalms 31:15 KJV, “My times are in thy hands…” Austin’s times are truly in God’s hands, He is not through with him. He has something important for him to do.
Happy Sabbath. Praying for peace, rest and healing over the weekend. I think maybe even the guardian angel might rest after holding up that excavator until human help arrived.
We are thanking God for His mercy in sparing Austins life against all odds.
God has done amazing things. Why would He not let Austin get some needed rest on His Sabbath day? I believe He will answer.
Dear Mom and Family, We are faithfully praying for your son. We are no strangers to traumas and the intervening power and grace of our Loving God. Before our hearts cry out to God, His Presence and Will , go forth for His redeemed .Tears fill my eyes for you as I finish reading your post. I can relate. I know how hard it is. I have been there. Amazed that ,my son too, survived. But there is no closer walk, than in the provision of our Creator God during these times. He’ll give you a new ‘song’ to sing. He’ll show His blessings day after day, and His healing will be swift. His power knows no limits. His GREAT LOVE for you all will be your praise rung from on High. He is Worthy and He is coming again! Hallelujah! Happy Sabbath!
Thank you so much!!!
I find myself looking for your updates on Austin at least 3 times a day! I know a lot of his coworkers including my self are missing his goofy personality down at Walmart right now! Austin came to our department a couple months back and you could tell he was shy and unsure about it, however it didn’t take long for some of us to pull him out of his shell! He has become like a little brother to me and I miss having him around to give me a hard time (all in good fun and laughs). Praying for a speedy recovery, get well Austin we miss you!
Thank you so much for this. I will show it to Austin.
❤️ 💔❤️🩹
Hello Laurie, just want you to know that we have a study group of around 16 from all over US and Canada that is keeping Austin and your whole family in prayer. You are right in your post God is so so good to us. Sometimes we don’t really know how good. Praise the Lord Austin is doing so well. Love you, Brenda Reese.
Thank you so much. That’s amazing!!!! And actually humbling.
Dear Laurie, Greg, Austin, Andrew, and Adam, We haven’t seen you all in a long time but you are close to our hearts. My heart fell to my toes when we heard about Austin. God holds you and him in His arms of love ❤️ Praising God for saving Austin and praying for continued strength during recovery. We love you all!!! 🙏 Christina, Michael, Meraiah, and Canaan Miller ❤️
Thank you! You are dear friends to us!