Homestead Blog Hop 269 & Christmas Lists

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! ”What do you want for Christmas?” Isn’t that the question of the month?  More for children, but for adults too, the pressing question is, “What’s on your Christmas wish list?” So, do you have a Christmas wish list?  If so, what’s on it? For me, I’ve had a difficult…

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Homestead Blog Hop 268 & Snow on Our Mountain

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Snow has come to East Tennessee! We went to bed with a white-frosted world!  All night long, I kept waking up to brightness.  The full moon, with the white snow tricked me into thinking morning had already arrived! In the silence of the night, I took the opportunity to…

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Homestead Blog Hop 267 & Christmas Wishes

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Happy December to you! Last months blog hop had so many wonderful posts that it was almost impossible to narrow down three to feature. I very much appreciate the focus on frugal living that several of the posts contained. As we are now full-throttle in the Christmas buying season,…

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