Homestead Blog Hop 309

Be sure to check our our featured posts, on Homestead definitions, Self Sufficiency Goals, and the useful mineral, Magnesium! You’ll find some gems in this week’s Homestead Blog Hop!

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Homestead Blog Hop 280

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! The buzzword here recently is Coronovirus.  Surely your head is in the sand if you haven’t heard a lot of talk about this virus I hate scare tactics, but from what I am understanding, this bug is one to take seriously.  Mostly, that will mean taking your health seriously….

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Homestead Blog Hop 253

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! I like the Homestead Blog Hop! One reason why I like this Blog Hop is because so many different types of blog posts get shared! I love seeing new recipes to try, and enjoy looking at the fantastic ways different gals have come up with to decorate or organize,…

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Homestead Blog Hop 268 & Snow on Our Mountain

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Snow has come to East Tennessee! We went to bed with a white-frosted world!  All night long, I kept waking up to brightness.  The full moon, with the white snow tricked me into thinking morning had already arrived! In the silence of the night, I took the opportunity to…

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Vegan Parmesan Cheese Crumbles

Simple, easy recipe for plant based Parmesan cheese crumbles This recipe is the product of my memory, and a unique story shared by a friend. This post contains affiliate links Not long ago, a friend and I chatted about pizza and vegan cheese. I normally make a cashew cheese sauce for pizza and lasagna, haystacks,…

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Homestead Blog Hop 260 & Encouragement

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! HI! I’m glad you’re here! Do you need an encouraging word?  I do!  We all do!  Some days we just feel our need of a good word more than others! If you’re having one of those days, I hope the following promise will lift you up like it has…

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