Homestead Blog Hop 257

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Welcome indeed! Wecome Autumn too!  I’m so excited because autumn is my favorite time of the year!   Our days have been becoming a little more breezy, and our nights are downright delightful! But I’m also very excited because our family (finally) finished our roofing project this week for…

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Homestead Blog Hop 255

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Thanks for stopping by for the blog hop! You may have noticed that we missed last week’s hop!  But here we are again this week, so I hope that it was worth the wait! If you accidentally stumbled across this blog hop, and wonder what a blog hop is…

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Coming soon…Homestead Blog Hop 255

We are having a few technical glitches with getting the Homestead Blog Hop Up today. Please check back periodically! It’ll get posted for sure by this afternoon/evening! Or tomorrow…time will tell! ? Ok–due to circumstances out of my control, it has been decided to postpone the Blog Hop for next week. Please come back Wednesday!…

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Homestead Blog Hop 254

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! Happy Week! This post contains affiliate links Can you feel the hints of Autumn in the air?  I will admit that most days, it feels like Summer is still going strong, but lately, I have sensed that we are inching our way towards FALL—my favorite time of the year!…

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Homestead Blog Hop 252

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! I can’t believe that another week has passed, and we are coming up on the Homestead Blog Hop again! Here at Ridge Haven Homestead Blogging has taken a back seat for me this week, and I’ve not even had a chance to visit my blog at all.  I’ve been…

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