Homestead Blog Hop 314, and Oops!

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! I just realized that somehow I didn’t post the Homestead Blog Hop on this site. I had it sitting in the draft folder, unknown to me, all week. Oh, well. Busy life symptoms I think. Here is the hop for this week. Maybe I will actually press Publish this…

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Homestead Blog Hop 313, Post Election Day #1

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! ? Happy Hop Day! ? Sorry I’m getting this out late. Thank you for not losing hope if you come by and join the hop! As we wait anxiously for the final results in the USA ?? election, take courage in knowing that God is still in control in…

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Homestead Blog Hop 310

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! ? I’m seeing so much Fall! ? Leaves are changing and sailing to the ground! ? The air has a definite change, and acorns line the roads! ? And, yes, I’m seeing plenty of squirrels in our woods! It’s a great time for walks outdoors, bonfires, and camping trips!…

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Homestead Blog Hop 260 & Encouragement

Welcome to the Homestead Blog Hop! HI! I’m glad you’re here! Do you need an encouraging word?  I do!  We all do!  Some days we just feel our need of a good word more than others! If you’re having one of those days, I hope the following promise will lift you up like it has…

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Go Berry Picking (with kids) Without Losing Your Mind!

Tips for Going Berry Picking with Kids This post contains affiliate links. So…you want to take your kids out to the berry patch? Great plan! Berry picking with kids can be a wonderful time, or a huge frustration to all involved. The last thing you want on an outing for fun is for everything to…

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