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Today I welcome you with just some ordinary content.

I’ve been sick–knocked down, in fact. Spent the last coupla days in bed, and, honestly, I’m sure my body needed the extra rest. My friend pointed out that it’s likely a let-down sickness, and I’m inclined to believe it.

Once the stress of Austin’s trauma and the aftermath has moved to another stage, my body crashed. Normally I can weather a Spring cold or allergy attack, but I just couldn’t do it this time. I slept til 3 on Friday, got up for the necessary, then slept til 5:30 when I finally got hungry and ate a bowl of cheerios.

Unbelievably I slept through the night as well, and into the day Sabbath. Sometimes you simply have to rest.

Greg sweetly stayed home with me, made me get up and walk outside to sit in the greenhouse, and made me a smoothie for breakfast/lunch. Shh–I didn’t know he knew how! 🤫

Here he is checking on his “babies” 🍅 🌱

Yeah, it was just us and the cats today. I watched church online, slept some more, did a couple of hot/cold sinus treatments (basically dunking my face alternately into hot/cold water), which bring me so much relief. (I wrote about this several years ago. Sinus Pain at 2am)


Been drinking the nettle tea too, which does help some, because there is a ton of pollen out, but this time, I just think I was plumb tuckered out from the mental stress of this past month. Even though it’s gone so much better than it could have, we’ve all been through a stressful time with Austin almost dying.

I used to wonder why Mom would only get headaches on Sabbath, and I think that for moms, we sometimes unknowingly just make ourselves keep going til it’s safe to crash. I mean, I felt this coming on, but it wasn’t til Friday that it really got me and took me down. There’s a whole mind-body thing that’s worth exploring.

But enough about that.

Here are my companions –count 4!

We have flame azalea in bloom, Pink Lady’s Slippers, and more Spring wildflowers out there!

Earlier in the week I spied some! Flame azalea

We also have these funny little mushroom bowls. I thought they were kind of quirky!

Pink lady’s slipper

Have a wonderful week!

Welcome to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop!

The Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop

This is a place to share some love and spread some sunshine!

The focus of this blog hop will be: anything related to making our homes more sunny and happy! If that’s through homemade cooking, a health tip that will help another, homesteading tips, homeschool successes or real-life struggles, or just whatever God is impressing you with in your home journey, please share it!

Guidelines for the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 🌤

  1. Click on the “Add your Link” Button below and add a great image of your project or recipe. Make sure you link to the page of your family friendly post – not the main page of your blog.
  2. Link up to three posts each week.
  3. Try to visit at least a few other blogs at the party. Be sure to leave a comment to let them know you stopped by.
  4. Link your post back to the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop. If the hop isn’t linked to your post then you cannot be featured. All featured posts will be shared on my Pinterest/Social Media.
  5. Please link up posts that you haven’t linked to the hop before. You are welcome to link old posts from your blog.
  6. By joining the party, you are giving me permission to use one photo from your post with a link back to your site if it is selected as one of next week’s Features.
  7. This is a family-friendly link up! You are welcome to share home and family-oriented blog posts, focusing on homeschooling, homesteading and homemaking. Christian-friendly content, highlighting healthy life choices to encourage others!

Features for this week!

Oven roasted corn with husks Oven Roasted Corn with Husks

Dusty potatoes

Some Other Victorians’ Oddish Inventions
Thank you to everyone who came to participate. ♥️ Have a great week, and feel free to share the hop with others!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

9 Replies

  1. Wishing you a speedy recovery and that you will be up and running soon. Thanks for still taking the time to do the linkup. Much appreciated.

  2. Dearest Laurie,
    I’m floating on air: my post about Victorian inventions is amongst those you’ve featured this week, I’m writing it at once on my blog!
    With sincere gratitude,
    I’m sending my warmest hug to you,
    take care sweetie, you’ve lived such a shock!
    It’s far normal that, now that your boy is getting better and better, your nerves are collapsing!
    X Daniela

  3. Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful party each and every week!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links and choosing Features!!! Thank You!! I hope you are having a great week!!

What is your experience? 💜 I read every comment, and so many times I find that I gain encouragement from what’s shared. ❤️