Review for The Bible Memory App – Bible Memory PRO
We received a complimentary membership to, for The Bible Memory App – Bible Memory PRO as part of this review. Truthfully, we’ve been using this product for seven or eight years already!

When we began using the Bible Memory PRO system, it was called Scripture Typer. Back in those days, you could install the app on a phone or laptop, or use the desktop version. We did this on all of our devices, including iPads, laptops, and iPhones. It worked very well for us, and all of our family members found it helpful. The boys would often ask to do it during their quiet time.

So, What Is The Bible Memory Pro App?
Good question.
Bible Memory Pro is an app that you can download, or use on the web. It’s a great tool for helping you to memorize scripture verses, either singly or in whole chapters, or any number in between.
You can learn more about the app at the Bible Memory website on the social media channels:
You may also read more about this product by seeing the Review Introduction Article for at the Homeschool Review Crew page.

How the App Works
The app uses time-tested memorization methods, adding in typing, to help with memorization and recall. Once you upload your chosen verses, you review them by typing them—but not the whole word unless you set it up that way. When reviewing, you will go through a sequence of typing the first letter of the words, with the whole text visible on your screen. As you improve in accuracy, you will advance to a screen where only alternate words are visible to job your memory. Once that level is mastered, you’ll be looking at a blank screen, where you still type the first letter, and receive a buzz or vibration if you miss a word. I find that we improve this way much quicker than just going over cards.
You can download the app in the App Store, on, or at the GooglePlay store.
I actually wrote a review a few years back on ways to memorize the Bible in the home, referencing the Scripture Typer/Bible Memory PRO system. you can read that review at SDA Homeschool Families
Here’s an excerpt about what we liked about the Bible Memory PRO app then: This app is such a wonderful resource! You can use the website online or download the app. You can add verses/chapters and join groups if you want. It saves your verses and gives you a reminder to review them at intervals. This is good for everyone! Our boys like to practice their verses often when we get into memorizing!
You have several options for how to memorize and review your verses. You can just type the whole verse out, you can type using just the first letters, or you can have certain words blanked out on your screen so that you have to remember those words, while the words typed in will help you as you go along. It remembers your speed, and you can challenge yourself to keep improving your speed and accuracy.
PSST…don’t tell your kids, but this also sneaks in a little typing along with the Bible memorization! We have the Scripture Typer Pro, which allows us to install it on five devices*, so we can all be using it at the same time, wherever we are! It is well worth the price
*Note that now the PRO includes unlimited family members.
Reviewing the Bible Memory PRO App
Recently, we pulled out the app again on our phones, to help us brush up on a chapter we’ve been working memorizing in our family. We are working on memorizing John 17.
You can see from my list of verses to memorize that many are WAY overdue for review! Life gets in the way, but when you turn on your notifications (which I’ve had turned OFF) your phone will remind you to review your verses.

Other App Features
There are a ton of other Bible study tools on this app. For each verse, you can do a voice recording. I’ve played around a little with this but have not mastered it yet.
You can also go directly to the Memory Bible from the app, and the two apps sync with what you’ve been memorizing. The Memory Bible is the full KJV text of the Bible, and highlights the verses you’ve already memorized as you read. I may switch to this app instead of the current KJV Bible app I’ve been using, because it’s easy to flip between the whole chapter and individually listed verses. When we are reciting the chapter in the morning with the family, it’s easier to have the verses listed individually for me, since I’m often working on lunches at the same time and get distracted.

You can create groups from the Bible Memory App, so that you can collaborate with others in the same passages and track progress. We have not done much with the groups, but it would be actually easier in the family to follow our progress by using a group instead of us each individually.
Our Final Thoughts
This is a product that we really find useful. There’s something for almost every memorization style—audio, visual, first letter prompt and recall, notes, flash cards, an option to draw a little illustration or even adds photo, progress reports, awards you can earn, and notification to remind you to take the time to memorize. The only thing I could see that would be an improvement would be songs or an audio Bible, but that’s behind the scope of this app!
Ages that can use the Bible Memory PRO App:

I think that anyone who can read would find this app useful. I just checked and you can adjust the size of the font, so pretty much any age could still use the app! I really think they’ve thought of everything!
The more time you spend on the app, the more tools you’ll find! We have not scratched the surface on this app’s capabilities!
It would be fun to use the flash card feature in the school or church setting with anyone who’s memorizing!
Memorizing the Bible is very important. We do not know when we will be in a place where we do not have access to our Bibles. It’s difficult to imagine, but there very well may be a day when we don’t have access to our phones or Bibles. The words that we have memorized will come back to our minds, and bring comfort and instruction, even in our darkest hours. No one can take away the treasures we’ve hidden in our hearts by storing the Word of God in our memories!
I truly believe the at your will find the Bible Memory App very useful!
This review was published as part of the Homeschool Review Crew. I received no compensation for this review, and these are my honest opinions. The product was provided free of charge for reviewers, but I already had purchased the membership prior to this review.
You can click HERE or on the image below to read ALL of the reviews on Bible Memory PRO from the Homeschool Review Crew!
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