My Surprise Herb Garden Haul
Today Adam and I stopped in at Tractor Supply Center. I needed to replace some butternut squash seeds and replant them, because mine did not grow.
While in the parking lot, I spotted a canopy and some hanging baskets and assorted plants. I quickly spotted the bold yellow “75% Off” sign as well. I slowed down, and that began my downward spiral into plant rescuing behavior symptoms. You see, there were two pots of orange echinacea plants, looking like death warmed over, but still alive! I’d been looking for some Cheyenne Spirit plants recently, but waited. These would make a fine substitute, as long as I could nurse them back to good health. I grabbed both.
I found the seeds, the lady at the register took one look at those plants and marked them down further, so I got them for a buck apiece. I will plant them tomorrow, because I know that if I don’t, they’ll die in their pots.
I’m excited about the orange echinacea.
Moving On
Next stop: the local greenhouse/farm market. I wanted to check on the kitten we’d given away there a few weeks ago. See Adoption Day for the Last of the Stinkers!
Also, I remembered that Greg gave me plant money for my bd and I’d never used it! I strolled around–only perennials on my mind! Annuals are great, but perennials come back if you’re lucky!
Herbs for my Garden
I actually found some herbs I liked. A tall lemon grass plant was the first plant (yes, it’s actually a tender perennial, and an annual here, but I’ll pot it up and keep it inside during the winter).

Then I found three interesting oreganos for my culinary herb garden.
- Greek Oregano
- Italian Oregano
- Golden Oregano
The golden oregano was a new herb for me, as was the Italian oregano. I had no oregano plants this morning, now I have three!
I also found a nice clump of ordinary chives. I have bunches of garlic chives, which we love, and I’m happy for the regular version to tuck into some corner.

Fitting Them In
The oreganos will grow amidst the cracks and crannies of my rock wall to the herb garden. I love when herbs and small flowers tumble down the rocks and make interesting shapes! Oreganos are spreaders, so they will join my creeping thyme plants out there!
Growing Herbs
Herbs are fun and they keep coming back year after year. I like to cook with many of my herbs, make teas, and dry some for later. I also love planting herbs simply because they look interesting. I have a nicely stocked herb garden, which I am thankful for, but I’m always open to adding more herbs.
Culinary Oregano
The oregano will add a nice touch to pizzas and pasta dishes, and we all enjoy a cup of lemon grass tea every now and again.
I bought one non-herb today. I picked up a Buzz Midnight Butterfly Bush. They really do attract butterflies by the scores! And I love a dark purple colored flower!

Just for Fun
While I was out watering today, I sprayed the water in an arc. Suddenly a hummingbird buzzed over and stayed where the water misted. He really hung around getting sprayed off for awhile! I didn’t dare try to ruin the moment my pulling out my phone for a picture, so I just enjoyed the experience. It’s not every day you get to shower a hummer!
I’m excited about my birthday herbs! And it’s been a couple months since my birthday! Gifts like these keep on giving, so for me, they are the best kind! And every time I go out to snip some fresh herbs, I remember my gift!
Now it’s your turn!
Do you have an herb garden, or dream of growing one some day?
You can start small and grow as time and space allows! One pot in your window can add flavor and spice to your cooking, plus enjoyment to your life.
My favorite herb is probably basil. You can read about my basil garden in this post I did recently. Planting Basil in The Garden.
What’s your favorite herb? Do you have it growing? If not, what’s stopping you?
Maybe today is the day to get started on your herb garden!
Greetings, I appreciate you sharing knowledge about nature and pictures of flower and fauna in your garden. That hummingbird must have been so grateful for the shower! I do not have a personal herb garden because I travel so often, but I love taking pictures of other people’s gardens of art. My favorite herb is rosemary. I like to gently grab the stems and smell the scent in the palm of my hand. Sending lots of love. Jaime
I love rosemary too! Thanks for stopping by!